Looking After Your Paperwork

Finding and choosing the right property, or selling your home, is obviously the first key step when using VIVA’s services, but our work doesn’t end there. Throughout the process you have the support of a highly qualified office team who ensure all your paperwork is in order, provide specialist administrative information, and can arrange appointments with other local-based independent advisors.

“We are here to help you in any way we can to make the bureaucratic process as stress-free as possible”

Toñi Montes - Administration Director

Toñi Montes (Administration Director)

Toñi Montes

“Born in Estepona, I joined VIVA in 2010 and have since been running the administration department. I live in Marbella and love to walk along the paseo marítimo in good company. I like reading; books are my passion – physical books with the lovely newly ink smell when you open them. I am also becoming fond of yoga.”

Administration & Accounts - Carmen Rangel

Carmen Rangel

Carmen Rangel

“I have lived in Brazil, South Africa and Portugal. Finally, I decided to settle down on the Costa del Sol and I joined VIVA in 2013. I studied and trained in tourism, love to travel and intend to follow this passion for the rest of my life. I am not a chatterbox or an eloquent speaker; however, I enjoy socialising and laughing my head off, as often as possible, preferably sharing a glass of wine with wonderful people.”

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