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Property Revolution

Sell your Costa del Sol property faster and more effectively…

Searching online for the ideal property is almost universally the norm in this highly computer-literate era. So, to maximise your chances of selling, you need to not only stand out from the crowd but also be several cutting-edge steps ahead of them.

That is why we created VIVA Vendor Packages, an exceptional and dynamic product designed to generate optimum interest in your property by extending its market and reach exponentially.

Offering outstanding value for money, there is a convenient choice of extremely affordable Vendor Packages available, depending on the type of property for sale (apartment, penthouse, townhouse, villa or finca). And remember: it’s a one-off cost, and the marketing of your Costa del Sol home will continue right up until it is sold.

Vendor Services

See what you get!

Productos para vendedores - última tecnología en 3D y fotografía profesional

Una imagen vale más que 1000 palabras

We show your home in its best light, with our state-of-the-art tools.


Your property presented in Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality 3D

Seeing is believing... really! VIVA’s Virtual Reality three-dimensional images enable potential buyers to view your property online any day of the week, at any time convenient to them, and gain cutting-edge visual insight into the home’s main features.

View a VIVA Home in 3D

Video Showcase

Video Showcase

Far from just a gallery of photos, a virtual reality "walk through" video tour gives potential buyers an invaluable view of the layout and distribution of your property... as if they were there in person!


Flloor plans

2D & 3D Floor Plans

All-important floor plans are highly valued by international buyers in particular, providing detailed information about your property’s general layout and overall distribution.

See an Example of a Floor Plan

Fotografía profeaional para vender tu vivienda

Professional Photography

When you put a property for sale in our hands, we always want to put it in the right frame.

Our first priority is to show it at its best through a dedicated photo shoot by VIVA's experienced multimedia photographer.

Here is a selection of some of our stunning photos.

Video Showcase

Professional Filming

If you want potential buyers to be able to imagine what it would be like to live in your home, from the living room to the kitchen, from the bedroom to the bathroom, from the terrace to the solarium, we can produce a tailor-made video presented by a professional actor.


Productos para vendedores - servicios de Marketing integral

Media in which your home will appear

At VIVA we have a team of full-time professionals who have extensive and diverse experience in all aspects of marketing.

We take marketing very seriously. While other real estate agents can get by with a junior employee who combines his or her duties as an administrative assistant and part-time salesperson with responsibilities as the company's "social media manager", at VIVA we have a team of full-time professionals with extensive and diverse experience in all aspects of marketing - from traditional copywriting to state-of-the-art online promotional campaigns.



Your property on international portals

  • Idealista: Wide-reaching portal founded in 2000, also offering their own worldwide strategic alliances.
  • Rightmove: Considered the UK’s largest property portal, with a “sophisticated, yet simple, property search platform’”.

Associate Agents

We work with partner agents

Vendors benefit greatly from VIVA’s close association with Hamptons International, which since 2010 has been part of Countrywide PLC, the UK's largest real estate group. Hamptons offer an extensive portfolio of international properties marketed through more than 90 offices.

Your property on Social Media

Email marketing y redes sociales

As a VIVA vendor, your property is featured in our own online mailings (which include weekly property updates, monthly newsletter round-ups and regular blog postings), as well as other international newsletters – a grand total of 350,000 potential clients.

We also advertise on a regular basis in local newspapers and magazines with a total readership of tens of thousands of English-speaking visitors and expatriate residents.

Protección de datos

Data Protection

And all, of course, fully in accordance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) that came into effect in 2018. Even after strictly adhering to these new regulations, we still had over 120,000 subscribers (and growing) in our various online marketing channels.

Productos para vendedores - Honorarios por compraventa y trámites administrativos

Preferential Conveyancing Fees

It is paramount to manage all the legal formalities correctly, efficiently and without adding any undue pressure to your budget.

Buying or selling a property in Spain involves a similar process to that found in other countries in the European Union and elsewhere. Our real estate agents will help you find your dream home, arrange financing, formalise all the necessary paperwork and taxes.


Preferential Conveyancing Fees

Our authoritative Legal Advice section helps you better understand this labyrinth of official jargon, diverse fee structures and paperwork, but we also strongly recommend you consult the professionals.

In the case of conveyancing, it is essential that all the procedures are handled correctly, efficiently and, ideally, without adding any undue additional pressure to your budget. Our specially negotiated conveyancing fees mean you – and your buyer – can both benefit from significant savings on legal costs associated with the sale and purchase of your property.

Energy Efficiency Certificate

The EEC (or “Certificado de Eficiencia Energética” in Spanish) is a legal document that owners are required to obtain when selling a property.

At VIVA, we can take care of this requirement for you: just one more bureaucratic box to tick off straight away and devote the time saved to opening the first celebratory bottle of cava as your sale finally moves down the home stretch.

Asesoramiento legal

Asegurarse de que usted recibe el mejor asesoramiento, es absolutamente esencial a la hora de vender su propiedad. Nuestro propio equipo de profesionales experimentados está siempre a su disposición para responder a sus preguntas, y también podemos recomendarle abogados locales e independientes.  

Ayuda con los trámites de documentación

Usted ya sabe que la venta de su propiedad implica un complejo proceso burocrático. Si desea evitar quedarse atascado con los trámites de documentación, nuestra oficina y nuestro personal administrativo son expertos con gran experiencia  que pueden ayudarle a resolverlo todo.

"Si estás buscando un agente inmobiliario de confianza que te brinde un servicio excelente y resultados fantásticos, no hables con nadie más que con VIVA."

Bernd y Jutta Ehrlichmann

Productos para vendedores - Área de vendedores

Área de Vendedores

Acceda a su Área de Servicio al Vendedor online de VIVA y compruebe el estado de su vivienda las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana.

Comience a vender su casa como solo puede hacer con VIVA

¿Quiere vender su propiedad en la Costa del Sol de la mejor manera posible? Si es así, ¿a qué está esperando? Contrate su paquete de vendedor con VIVA ahora...


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Spanien +34 951 27 27 43
Gebührenfreie Telefonnummer UK 0800 066 27 83

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